myblog version 2.0


Welcome readers! I’m really excited to finally make public my new blog, because it took me some time to set up the codes and layout. I hope you’ll like the change and that you’ll find this environment even more enjoyable.

LISTEN: Home Made Kazoku – “Shooting Star” – The ending theme song for the latest Naruto series has really struck me, and I really like both the tune and the lyrics. (Thanks to Ben for the song.)

When I look at the sky,
I see all the stars twinkling.
They’re like the people of this planet,
all emitting different kinds of light.
I want to stand out in that crowd,
and shine brighter than everyone else.
I close my eyes and swear,
I entrust my dream to a shooting star.

I maintained my previous blog for more than 3 years with public & private entries. It holds so many defying/important moments and thoughts of my past. I have no doubt that this blog will also come to play that same role.

My old blog site:

Why did I move? You can say that I simply wanted a change of environment. Now that I am growing up, I want to write more maturely, and I felt that my xanga was no longer adequate. Or perhaps on the contrary, I wanted the move to in turn vindicate the fact that I am now an adult. Whichever the truth is, I’m looking forward to the future and treasuring the past with you here. :]

4 Responses

  1. oooo~ mature bloggie?
    I’ll keep this under my favourites so I can like track your updates from xanga~! ^^

  2. doraeeemonnnn
    man does this wordpress send update emails like xanga? saves me a click each time…. 😛

  3. Joe, umm.. no.. not unless you’re a member of wordpress also. =/ Sorries..

  4. haha grrr 😛

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